Our Website uses cookies to identify users and to collect data about visits so as to improve users’ experience, verify their activities on the Website and identify the products they have purchased. Cookies can be disabled, or your computer can notify you every time they are being used. To do either of these things, modify your browser settings. Doing so may limit the functionality of our Website and make some of its features inaccessible.

Your use of this Website implies acceptance of the terms of the Privacy and Data Protection Policy, as well as the rest of these General Terms and Conditions. We would ask those who do not accept these terms not to provide use with any personal data and to cease use of the Website.

The treatment of personal data, as well as the sending via e-mail of commercial messages, will be done in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, passed on December 13, and Law 34/2002 on the Information Society and E-mail, passed on July 11.




En cumplimiento de lo establecido en la Ley 34/2002 del 11 de Julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y el Comercio Electrónico y en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (LOPD), y al Reglamento (UE) 2016/679, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril (“Reglamento General de Protección de Datos” o “RGPD”), esta Política de Privacidad se aplica a los tratamientos de datos de carácter personal que Dorotea Valls Adler realiza como Responsable y/o Encargado de dicho tratamiento, en relación con los datos que los usuarios y/o clientes (personas físicas) proporcionen a través de los formularios de contacto.

Los datos personales recibidos se incluirán en un fichero automatizado de datos personales, debidamente inscritos en el Registro General de Protección de Datos (RGPD), dependiente de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, para cuyo tratamiento se han adoptado las medidas de seguridad legalmente establecidas. Dichos datos personales no serán cedidos a terceros ajenos al titular, sin previo consentimiento expreso del afectado por el tratamiento.

Los datos personales obtenidos serán tratados conforme los estándares de seguridad legalmente previstos, con acceso a los mismos solo por el personal autorizado, y a los fines exclusivos de gestionar el servicio solicitado y/o ofrecer información sobre las actividades y servicios de y, en el caso de que así lo haya solicitado, para el envío de Newsletter, elaboración de estadísticas y mejorar nuestros servicios.

DOROTEA únicamente revelará sus datos cuando la normativa aplicable nos lo exija, y mediando siempre una resolución judicial o administrativa. Fuera de estos casos sus datos no serán cedidos sin su consentimiento expreso y por escrito, conforme a la legislación vigente en materia de protección de datos de carácter personal.

Para el ejercicio de los derechos de acceso a los datos, rectificación de los mismos, oposición al tratamiento de datos, limitación al tratamiento y, en su caso, portabilidad o cancelación rogamos remitan un escrito a: Dorotea Valls Adler, Carrer Sant Pere Més Alt, 8, 1º 2ª; 08003 Barcelona, o bien un correo electrónico a: En dichas comunicaciones deberá identificarse el remitente, por su nombre, apellidos, NIF/CIF y dirección postal o electrónica. El ejercicio de los anteriores derechos se podrá ejercer en cualquier momento, así como retirar el consentimiento al tratamiento de datos personales.

Los datos personales se conservarán mientras exista un interés mutuo para ello y mientras no ejerza alguno de los derechos anteriores.

Asimismo, de acuerdo con lo establecido en el artículo 21 de la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico, si usted nos ha facilitado su consentimiento expreso en el formulario de registro de, podremos enviarle publicidad de nuestros productos o promociones que consideremos puedan ser de su interés, por correo electrónico o por cualquier otro medio de comunicación electrónica equivalente.

Le informamos que podrá revocar en cualquier momento el consentimiento prestado a la recepción de comunicaciones comerciales enviando un e-mail a la dirección de correo electrónico:

In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on the Information Society and E-mail, passed on July 11, and Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, passed on December 13, and the associated regulations, Dorotea Valls Adler informs the user that personal data provided on contact forms will be stored in a data base of personal information, duly communicated to the AEPD, the handling of which will be done using the legally established security measures. Said personal data will not be transferred to any third party other than the owner without the prior express consent of the person affected.

The personal data collected will be handled in accordance with the legally established security standards, with only authorized personnel able to access them, and only for the purposes of managing requested services and/or of providing information about the activities and services of and, upon request, the sending of the Newsletter, as well as for the calculation of statistics and steps to improve our services.

DOROTEA will only reveal your data when obliged to under law or by a judicial or administrative order. Otherwise, your data will not be transferred without your express, written consent, in accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data.

To exercise your rights of access, cancellation, rectification or opposition with regard to your data, please write to: Dorotea Valls Adler, Carrer Sant Pere Més Alt, 8, 1º 2ª; 08003 Barcelona, or send an e-mail to: In said communication, you must identify yourself by your full name, your national ID number and your address or e-mail address.

Additionally, in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of and Law 34/2002 on the Information Society and E-mail, passed on July 11, if you have given your express consent on the registration form, we may send you any advertisements for our products or other promotions we believe may be of interest to you, via e-mail or any other equivalent electronic communication medium.

You are informed that at any time you may rescind the consent you have given for the reception of commercial communication by sending an e-mail to the address:










If any provision of these Conditions for Participation or the application of any provision was found or declared either partially or in its totality, to be illegal, invalid or non-executable, under any Law or regulation, said provision or part thereof would be understood to be void, but the legality, validity and applicability of the rest of the provisions of this document would not be affected and would be interpreted in light of the will of the parties and the objectives of this document.

The non-exercise on the part of DOROTEA of any of the rights and privileges conferred upon it by this document will in no case imply the renunciation of said rights and privileges, unless expressly recognized by DOROTEA, or in the case of a specific action having prescribed.





DOROTEA reserves the right to unilaterally modify the design and setup of the Website and the terms of this document at any time, as long as there is a valid justification for said modifications. The changes will go into force 24 hours after they have been posted on the Website.

It is recommended that the customer read the terms carefully each time he or she accesses the Website. These General Terms and Conditions will always be displayed in a visible place on the Website and be freely accessible to anyone who wishes to consult them. Acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions will be necessary prior to any purchase via the Website.







Non-compliance resulting from force majeure on the part of any party with any of the obligations herein will not lead to liability. In such cases, the obligations under this agreement will be suspended until the end of the force majeure. Should the effects of the force majeure persist over time, either of the parties may act to rescind the contract without giving rise to any liability for damages.



These terms and conditions will be subject to and interpreted under Spanish legislation. In the case of any conflict between the customer or user and that may emerge with respect to the interpretation or application of these General Terms and Conditions, the parties explicitly renounce any other legal jurisdiction that may correspond to them and submit exclusively to the courts of the city of Barcelona (Spain).

Said conflicts will fall within the jurisdiction of the courts of Barcelona city, except when the customer/user is a consumer, in which cases the jurisdiction will be that of the resident of the consumer or of the location of compliance with the obligation.

Should the consumer reside outside of Spain, both parties expressly renounce any other jurisdiction and will submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Barcelona city (Spain).



Our Website uses cookies to identify users and to collect data about visits so as to improve users’ experience, verify their activities on the Website and identify the products they have purchased. Cookies can be disabled, or your computer can notify you every time they are being used. To do either of these things, modify your browser settings. Doing so may limit the functionality of our Website and make some of its features inaccessible.

Your use of this Website implies acceptance of the terms of the Privacy and Data Protection Policy, as well as the rest of these General Terms and Conditions. We would ask those who do not accept these terms not to provide use with any personal data and to cease use of the Website.

The treatment of personal data, as well as the sending via e-mail of commercial messages, will be done in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, passed on December 13, and Law 34/2002 on the Information Society and E-mail, passed on July 11.




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